Weekly Tuition Classes

Sec 3 Chemistry Tuition. 

Sec 4/5 Chemistry Tuition.

Chemistry seems to be a subject out of the 3 Sciences most students struggle to enjoy and understand initially. We increase students' interest in the subject by relating the theories and concepts to real life examples and uses which is also an essential knowledge in acing the 'O' Level. 

We begin laying the foundation of Chemistry with chemical formula writing and chemical equation writing. 

Students will be receiving notes and worksheets of increasing difficulty for every topic. At every term, the rigour in the subject is reinforced with practice of examination papers which students find extremely useful in understanding the key words required and commonly made mistakes. 

Some topics which students commonly struggle in are Chemical Bonding, Stoichiometry & Mole Concept, Acids, Bases & Salt and Electrolysis. We have got a couple of these topics covered in our June Holiday Workshop


"Chemistry itself knows altogether too well that - given the real fear that the scarcity of global resources and energy might threaten the unity of mankind - Chemistry is in a position to make a contribution towards securing a true peace on earth."
Kenichi Fukui

Fees are charged on 4 lessons cycle. Schedule a 1-month tuition with us or a complimentary consultation. 

Free trial classes schedule is here.